Saturday, June 29, 2024

Timeline (2003)


This was the first time I ever saw Gerard Butler in anything. He is great in this movie and so attractive. I was more into him than I was into main character Paul Walker…Anyway they did stick pretty close to the book in this movie except they omitted most of the complicated science stuff. Quantum physics and string theory are never mentioned and it is implied that this particular time is the only one they can go to. The story then progresses very similar to the book where our main characters are stranded in medieval France and have to figure out how to get home. It was a good movie. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Acolyte (2024-present)


At this point I have only seen the first episode of The Acolyte. It is currently four episodes into its eight episode first season. What I am finding fun about this show is that it takes place 100 years before the events of The Phantom Menace. This means that the only familiar character that might show up in the show is Yoda (since he was 900 years old during the events of the Empire Strikes Back). It’s kind of nice to see and enjoy other Jedi characters that I have never met before and I am interested to see where this show leads.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Godzilla (2014)


The first of the Monsterverse movies and a triumphant return of the King of the Monsters. This Godzilla is just great. Godzilla is bigger and more scary than ever and I love the callbacks to the original story. How the reason they were bombing in the 50’s (when the original movie premiered) was to kill Godzilla. Even our main scientist is named after the scientist who killed Godzilla in the original movie. This movie more follows the Godzilla as savior storyline our main “bad” monsters being the MOTA. However, it is also implied that Godzilla is just an alpha predator doing what alpha predators do. Exactly what I want from a Godzilla movie.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Mass Spectrometers and Sonic Screwdrivers by legendofthefox


I have a confession to make. I am not a huge Dr. Who fan. I think he’s kind of cool, but I am less likely to read a straight up Dr. Who fanfic but lean towards crossovers with other franchises. This particular fanfic is a crossover between Dr. Who and NCIS. NCIS has its typical murder, but the Doctor figures out that the murderer is actually an alien. He then joins the team to attempt to solve the mystery. The author does a really great job making all the characters believable. I especially liked the idea that Ducky knew the Doctor in a past life. The unfortunate thing is that this fanfic was never finished and it left the reader on a bit of a cliff hanger.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Star Trek: The Animated Series (1973-1975)


The original series was supposed to be “a five year mission”. The show was cancelled after three seasons. The animated series picks up where the live action series left off and gives us the last two years of that five year mission. What is great about this series is that it was cheaper to produce a cartoon then a sophisticated scifi show. As a result, the animators were really allowed to let their imagination shine.  A very cool piece of trivia of this show is that originally only Shatner, Nimoy, and Kelley were slated to return to their roles. Nimoy refused to voice Spock unless the studio also brought back Nichols and Takei.  I love this series and think it is a great addition to the Star Trek canon.

Friday, May 17, 2024

City of Ember (2008)


I remember the City of Ember movie closely following the book. Basically centuries ago most of human kind fled below ground to escape a catastrophe, but now their refuge is dying and it is up to two teenagers to find a way back to the surface. It was as good movie. 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Eureka (2006-2012)


Part of a shared universe that included Warehouse 13 and Alphas, Eureka took place in a small town in Southern Oregon where geniuses working at Global Dynamics invent crazy things and generally participate in science fiction shenanigans. Our main character is Sheriff Jack Carter, a regular human being who often acts as the voice of reason when the other characters are overthinking. The show was light and fun, and a contrast to most of the shows I have reviewed here. I highly recommend.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein


The main character of the novel is Mannie who discovers that the computer that monitors all life on the moon has become sentient. He names the computer Mike after Mycroft Holmes. Together Mannie and Mike stage a rebellion on the moon to break off from Earth. It is considered a classic of science fiction and an interesting look into a possible future. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Transformers: Rise of the Beast (2023)


In this installment in the Transformers franchise, Noah Diaz is convinced by a friend in 1994 to steal a Porsche. He finds out that the Porsche is really an Autobot named Mirage. Mirage and Noah then team up with the rest of the Autobots team up with the Maximals, transformers that took the forms of animals to defeat the planet eating Unicron. It also implies a crossover between transformers and the GI Joe franchise.  A fun addition to the Transformers franchise.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

To Dream in the City of Sorrows by Kathryn M. Drennan


A really good Babylon 5 book that takes place between the end of season 1 and Season 3 Episode 16. At the end of season 1, main character, Jeffery Sinclair, is abruptly assigned as the Human ambassador to Minbar. The real world reason for this change in the command of Babylon 5 is that the actor, Michael O’Hare, was diagnosed with schizophrenia while filming season 1 and was physically unable to come back to continue the series. He was able to come back for the two part episode War Without End and tie up his storyline. This book fills in the time between the end of season 1 and those two episodes. It tells us what happened to Sinclair’s fiancée, Catherine, and shows the growing friendship between Sinclair and Marcus. It is a little slow in parts, but for lovers of the series it helps to fill in some much needed gaps. In fact, Drennan collaborated with Michael Straczynski, who wrote the original show.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Earth Vs The Flying Saucers (1956)


With special effects by the amazing Ray HarryHausen, Earth Vs the Flying Saucers is one of the great alien invasion movies. Aliens are trying to take over the earth because their own planet has been destroyed. At first it seems that the earthlings are being just paranoid, but it isn’t long until we realize the aliens’ intentions are not benevolent. A great movie from a master!

Saturday, April 6, 2024

The Lost World


The Lost World by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Doyle might be more known for his Sherlock Holmes stories, but he actually wrote five books with another main character: Professor Challenger. Challenger is abrasive, blunt, everything that Holmes is not. He’s also a lot of fun. In this first story, Challenger with a group of other scientists and a reporter to examine a plateau where a dinosaurs still exist. It’s a fun story. However, you need to read it in the spirit in which it was written. It was written in 1907. It is very sexist and racist, but if you accept that you can then enjoy the adventure.

The Adventure of the Challenging Professor in the book The Manifestations of Sherlock Holmes by James Lovegrove

In Doyle’s books Challenger and Holmes never met. They might have as well lived in completely different Londons. Lovegrove, however, has written a short story where Professor Challenger calls upon Holmes to solve a murder in his house. His pet pterodactyl has killed a man in a locked room. It is up to Holmes to discover how and why.

The Lost World (1925)

One of the only silent movies that I have seen. This movie stays pretty close to the original book. The special effects were done by Willis O’Brian who went on to do the effects for the original King Kong. A fun fact, Doyle actually saw this movie and tricked Houdini into thinking that they had really found dinosaurs by showing him a still.

The Lost World (1960)

A modern adaptation of the novel has Challenger and crew flying out to the Amazon to find their dinosaurs.

The Lost World (1992)

One of my favorite versions of this story. It is period. John Rhys-Davies is amazing as Challenger and all the other characters are just as great. If you only watch one version of the Lost World, I suggest you this one.

The Return to the Lost World (1992)

A direct sequel to the above movie, Rhys-Davies reprises his role as Challenger and everyone else comes back when the Lost World is threatened by a corporation that wants to exploit the plateau and destroy the dinosaurs.

The Lost World (2001)

Perhaps my least favorite version simply because I did not appreciate the religious connotations. In this version they are stranded on the plateau because a fanatical Christian is concerned that the locals will prove evolution. I hate it when Christians are depicted as these horrible people. It does have some redeeming qualities, however, which is why I still include it on this list.


Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Five People You Meet In the Light


So, I have fallen down the fanfic rabbit hole. This story is the first one that I ever wrote. It takes place shortly after Darth Vader dies in Return of the Jedi before he shows up as a Force Ghost at the celebration of the Ewoks. It is based on the concept of the book The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. I take Anakin through five people that influenced him. It starts with Qui-Gon Jinn and ends with Obi-Wan Kenobi. I enjoyed writing this story. And for the record, I feel that Hayden Christiansen did a wonderful job as Anakin Skywalker, but I kept my Anakin as Sebastian Shaw. My thought process was that this showed him as how he would have been had he not turned in the first place.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Transformers Generation 2 (1992-1994)


This is the first time I met Optimus Prime and Megatron. I loved the concept of giant robots being able to transform into things like semi trucks and the like. We also had all the toys growing up as well. I don’t remember much of the story, just that I enjoyed it. According to IMBD these are remakes of the original 1984 show.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Incredibles (2004)


Bob Parr aka Mr. Incredible marries Helen aka Elastigirl right before being a superhero is outlawed due to some dubious choices of Mr. Incredible in his attempt to save a bunch of people. Years later, Helen and Bob are attempting to live normal lives with children Dash, Jack-Jack, and Violet all who have superpowers of their own. But Bob misses the life and when someone offers him the chance to be a superhero again, he jumps at the chance leaving his family to follow behind him. The story is a clever look at family and marriage and the importance of trust and acceptance. The stand out character is Edna Mode, the superhero costume designer. A great children’s movie with superheroes.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

XMen: First Class (2011)


The story about how Charles Xavier first met Erik Lensherr. Together with a group of mutants they go after one Sebastian Shaw in the midst of the Cuban Missile Crisis. But it soon becomes apparent that Erik and Charles have different views on how Mutants and Humans should interact. It frays their friendship to the breaking point, but lays the groundwork for the relationship we see in other movies between them. The idea that they have gone their separate ways and are now enemies, but there is still that underlying affection. This is one time that a prequel did it right.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Timeline by Michael Crichton


Using quantum physics and string theory, the corporation ITC has discovered that they can travel through time. Essentially they fax themselves to the previous time. The problem is that too much “faxing” results in anomalies in the genome.

The main story is about a group of college students that are sent back to medieval France to save one of their professors that is lost in time. They have to find their professor all without contaminating the timeline themselves. One of Crichton’s best even if he starts babbling about science the average person doesn’t care about. You have time travel, Michael, I get it!

Friday, February 23, 2024

The Clone Wars (2008-2020)


Starting with a two hour movie, this series chronicled the events of the Clone Wars and Anakin’s slow descent into the Dark Side. The show is great, introducing us to such characters as Ahsoka and Rex and showing the relationship between Anakin and Obi-Wan and Anakin and Padme. It makes the events of Revenge of the Sith make so much more sense. Although I have to admit that every time they save Palpatine from something I am screaming that they should just let him die…  You also meet many other amazing Jedi and are even more devastated about Order 66. The first five season premiered from 2008-2012 on Cartoon Network. In 2014, Netflix picked it up and released another season. Then in 2020, Disney+ finished it off with one more season.

Friday, February 16, 2024

The Giant Gila Monster (1959)


An atomic age movie where atomic radiation has mutated a Gila Monster into a gigantic venomous monster. Normal monster movie shenanigans ensue. There are movies that are better, but for the genre it is a fun romp. Just don’t expect much of a plot.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Death by Terran by One Last Bird


This is a really cute story about the beginning of Yondu and Peter’s relationship. It gets into some imagined? back story of Yondu and the decision he makes to raise Peter and not give him over to Ego. (I have never read the Guardians of the Galaxy comics so I only know what the movies tell me. I don’t know if the back story that One Last Bird is canon or not). It takes a while for Yondu to warm up, crusty space pirate that he is, but he eventually does and decides not to give him to his homicidal dad. It really is kind of sweet. It also gets into Youdu breaking into a Kree research facility and being pursued by the Kree. It really is a fun story.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Star Trek: The Original Series (1966-1969)


The series that started it all. The first pilot was “The Cage” which featured Captain Christopher Pike, Number One, and Spock. It was not picked up. They ran a new pilot that introduced us to Captain James Tiberius Kirk. Due to low special effects budgets, the series relies much more on character development and relationships than later series. The primary friendship was between Jim Kirk, Spock, and Dr. Leonard McCoy. Nichelle Nichols, who played, Lieutenant Uhura, influenced African American children in the 60’s. She was a valuable member of the crew. Whoopi Goldberg has expressed how Nichols’ work inspired her because “she ain’t a maid.” Martin Luther King JR was also a fan and inspired Nichols to continue to do the show when she was thinking of quitting. I think one of my favorite episodes is the City at the Edge of Forever when they all go back to the 1930’s to fix the future. Really one of the best scifi shows of all time.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau


The first in the Book of Ember series. Hundreds of years ago, the Builders created the City of Ember underground to outlive some catastrophe. But now the lights are failing. Lina and Doon, two children must follow an ancient parchment to find their way out of Ember.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Andromeda (2000-2005)


Created by Gene Rodenberrry of Star Trek fame, Andromeda tells the Captain Dylan Hunt who along with his sentient space ship Andromeda is caught up in an uprising of Nietzcheans. They are caught in a black hole. Three hundred years later they are found by the salvage crew Eureka Maru who Hunt convinces to help him to restore the Commonwealth. One of my favorite characters is Dylan Hunt, played by Kevin Sorbo, and Trance Gemini, a mysterious alien. I will not tell you who Trance actually is just in case you ever want to watch it! While watching the third season of Star Trek Discovery I was very much reminded of Andromeda. As far as I am concerned Andromeda was a better show with better characters.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Ship Who Sang by Anne McCaffrey


Another great science fiction book from the author of Pern. The Ship Who Sang tells the story of Helva. Helva was born with severe birth defects and therefore she was chosen to be the “brain” of a starship. Although her body is now made of sleek titanium she still have the heart and mind of a woman. A woman who can fall in love with her “brawn” just as much as the next person. We travel with Helva through the cosmos and experience all the heartache right along with her.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Bumblebee (2018)


A film in the Transformers movie verse, it tells the story of Bumblebee. In an epic battle at the beginning of the film, Bumblebee’s voice box is destroyed. He is found by a young woman named Charlie who just takes him for a derelict car. When she finds out that he is actually a transformer she teaches him how to use the radio to talk and keep him away from the government and the Decepticons. It is a great movie and one of the better ones in the franchise.