Saturday, April 20, 2024

To Dream in the City of Sorrows by Kathryn M. Drennan


A really good Babylon 5 book that takes place between the end of season 1 and Season 3 Episode 16. At the end of season 1, main character, Jeffery Sinclair, is abruptly assigned as the Human ambassador to Minbar. The real world reason for this change in the command of Babylon 5 is that the actor, Michael O’Hare, was diagnosed with schizophrenia while filming season 1 and was physically unable to come back to continue the series. He was able to come back for the two part episode War Without End and tie up his storyline. This book fills in the time between the end of season 1 and those two episodes. It tells us what happened to Sinclair’s fiancée, Catherine, and shows the growing friendship between Sinclair and Marcus. It is a little slow in parts, but for lovers of the series it helps to fill in some much needed gaps. In fact, Drennan collaborated with Michael Straczynski, who wrote the original show.

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