Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks

The Sword of Shannara is the first book in the Shannara chronicles. It tells the story of Shea who is the last of a long line of Elvish warriors and the only one able to wield the magical elf stones. He is recruited by a mysterious druid to find the Sword of Shannara and end the power of darkness over the land. The book is quite good, but you can defiantly see the influence of Lord of the Rings. We even have our wizard like figure “die” while falling off a bridge fighting a shadow monster! But where Lord of the Rings takes place in a mythical past, Shannara takes place in a post-apocalyptic landscape. A land where the apocalypse was so long ago that no one remembers what the world was like before the break down of society;  it is not even written down in the history books. Magic has crept back into the world and we have returned to a dark mythic world view. It is an interesting concept, and Brooks does a good job of exploring it.

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