Sunday, October 22, 2017

Forever Knight (1992-1996)

Nicholas Knight is an 800 year old vampire that is quite frankly sick of the lifestyle. During the course of the show he seeks a “cure” for his condition and works as a cop on the night shift of the Toronto Police Department seeking redemption. The mysteries are fun and interesting along with Nick’s constant battle with his vampire nature. I can forgive his whining a little because he is 800 years old and just sick of life. Some of his older flashbacks show that for many years he embraced his immortality and it’s only in the past 100 years that he has gotten tired of it. One of the running gags in the first season is his work partner, Don’s, insistence that Nick doesn’t know what it’s like to live with an addiction (Don is trying to quit smoking). Whenever Don says that, the look on Nick’s face tells the truth. He has been living with an addiction, for 800 years! There’s other times when you meet his ex, the vampire that introduced Nick to Lacroix, the vampire that “turned” Nick. They still get on well, and Nick will often go to her bar to talk to her. If you like mysteries and vampires I strongly suggest this show.  

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