Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Scottish Play by William Shakespeare

Did you know that it is considered bad luck in theater circles to utter the name of this play aloud if you're not performing it? That is why it has been affectionately dubbed "The Scottish Play." The first rule of Macbeth? Don't talk about Macbeth :).
                Anyway this is one of my favorite Shakespeare plays, even though it is a tragedy where everyone dies. I guess because it has a bit of fantastical elements going on with the three witches giving Macbeth bad life advice. The comic at the beginning kind of sums up the story. Macbeth kills a lot of people to become king on advice of the Weird Sisters and ends up getting killed himself by Macduff who was born by C Section and therefore was not born of a woman. 

Tolkien was also influenced by the play himself. His Ents are the answer to Great Birnam Wood coming to High Dunsinane Hill.  

He also places Eowyn in the place of Macduff because no man may kill the witch king, but she is no man.
A fun play even if it does get a little dark.

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