Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Christmas List (1997)

One of my favorite Christmas movies, The Christmas List is one I watch almost every year. I'm disappointed that I can't get a decent copy of it, but have to rely on my version I taped off the TV so many years ago.
The story tells of Melody Parris a perfume salesperson in a department store. Melody dreams of opening her own perfume shop and marrying long time boyfriend George and moving out of her mother's apartment building. Her best friend Naomi encourages her to write a Christmas List where she lists all the impossible things that she wants for Christmas. (Such as a car, and a new job). As a joke Naomi then takes the list from her and drops it in Santa's mailbox. Then something magical happens: Melody starts getting everything on her Christmas list in extraordinary ways. She also meets and falls in love with Dr. David Skyler who is so much nicer than George. (I hate George).
A really fun Christmas movie if you can find it. :) In fact, I sometimes write my own magical Christmas list for fun. One year I wished to go to Disneyland for Christmas and that actually happened. :) Merry Christmas everyone!

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