Saturday, February 26, 2022

Quartermass and the Pit or Five Million Years to Earth (1967)


My parents have been telling me about this movie for years. I was thrilled to get a chance to actually watch it. Technically this is the third movie in the British Quatermass trilogy, but you don’t need to see the other two movies in the franchise to make sense of this one. I still haven’t seen the other two and don’t know if I want to. In this science fiction horror film, the British government is trying to build a new underground through a “haunted” part of London. There have been sightings of weird things here for centuries, from before there even was a London. The tunnel workers find a bunch of primordial men and what appears to be a spaceship. Of course the government wants to dismiss it as some sort of WWII propaganda. It’s either an unexploded bomb or something the Germans cooked up to demoralize the British population. It’s only Quartermass and his associates that figure out that the device is in fact far far earlier than 20 years (try about 5 million years) and if they don’t do something a horror will be released on London far more deadly than it has ever known. 

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