Sunday, August 14, 2016

House of Many Shadows by Barbara Michaels

House of Many Shadows is one of Barbara Michaels' best. In it Meg has just survived a horrible accident, an accident that has left her with weird visual and auditory hallucinations. In an effort to cure herself, she manages to convince her rich cousin, Sylvia, to let her stay at her country house in Pennsylvania Dutch territory. But when she gets there, things seem to get worse. Now she cannot seem to differentiate from her hallucinations and the reality of what's going on. But the scary thing is that the caretaker on the property, Andy Brenner, also sees the visions. Is the old house haunted, is Meg really going crazy and pulling Andy into her delusions, or is something else entirely else going on? A fun and engaging read that keeps you guessing right to the end!

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