Friday, September 27, 2024

Hypocritic Oath by Yesac


When Anakin and Obi Wan catch a plague on a distant planet, Anakin has to decide which one to save. Of course we all know who he’s going to save, but it is one more nail in his coffin so to speak. Yesac is one of my favorite Star Wars writers and this is a great indicator of their skill.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Wrath of Khan (1982)


Way back in 1967, audiences were introduced to Khan Noonien Singh in the episode “Space Seed.” This movie serves as a sequel to this episode and is considered to be one of the best Star Trek movies of all time. It certainly gives us all the makings of a good movie. A villain that is actually sympathetic to some extent. A very emotional death scene of a favorite character. Basically shortly after the events of Space Seed the planet where Khan and his people were marooned got destroyed when a nearby planet blew up. Khan wants revenge on Kirk for leaving them there to die. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson


Twelve years prior to the beginning of the book “Calamity” appeared in the sky above earth and gave certain people superpowers. Unfortunately, the people who gain superpowers, the Epics, become sort of evil. A group of average people called The Recknoers set out to destroy the Epics once and for all. The main protagonist of the first three and a half books is David who is on a personal vendetta to kill the Epic Steelheart after Steelheart killed his father. I really enjoyed this book and I realized what kind of dystopia books I actually like. I call them superhero dystopia. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

SeaQuest (1993-1996)

The first season of this show was the best. It took place in 2018 and took place on a futuristic submarine that patrolled the oceans. The first season would usually end with a real life marine biologist who would explain the actual science behind the show. There was an episode where they found the Library of Alexandria. There was a ghost ship episode. They were just fun. I think one of my favorite characters was Darwin, the dolphin, who due to technology could communicate with the crew. As the show went on they tried to make it more “science fictiony” by bringing aliens and time travel into it and I just feel it lost some of its charm.