Saturday, May 25, 2024

Star Trek: The Animated Series (1973-1975)


The original series was supposed to be “a five year mission”. The show was cancelled after three seasons. The animated series picks up where the live action series left off and gives us the last two years of that five year mission. What is great about this series is that it was cheaper to produce a cartoon then a sophisticated scifi show. As a result, the animators were really allowed to let their imagination shine.  A very cool piece of trivia of this show is that originally only Shatner, Nimoy, and Kelley were slated to return to their roles. Nimoy refused to voice Spock unless the studio also brought back Nichols and Takei.  I love this series and think it is a great addition to the Star Trek canon.

Friday, May 17, 2024

City of Ember (2008)


I remember the City of Ember movie closely following the book. Basically centuries ago most of human kind fled below ground to escape a catastrophe, but now their refuge is dying and it is up to two teenagers to find a way back to the surface. It was as good movie. 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Eureka (2006-2012)


Part of a shared universe that included Warehouse 13 and Alphas, Eureka took place in a small town in Southern Oregon where geniuses working at Global Dynamics invent crazy things and generally participate in science fiction shenanigans. Our main character is Sheriff Jack Carter, a regular human being who often acts as the voice of reason when the other characters are overthinking. The show was light and fun, and a contrast to most of the shows I have reviewed here. I highly recommend.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein


The main character of the novel is Mannie who discovers that the computer that monitors all life on the moon has become sentient. He names the computer Mike after Mycroft Holmes. Together Mannie and Mike stage a rebellion on the moon to break off from Earth. It is considered a classic of science fiction and an interesting look into a possible future.